I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sweet Moments

Don't let these 2 fool you. They aren't always cuddly like they appear in most pictures.They fight, hit, pull hair, and can scream! At least once a day I do catch them in some sort of sweet moment. 
This is today's.............

I caught Niah "reading to Leilah." This book doesn't have many pictures but she was making up her own story. it was so cute.

Then they saw me hiding snapping pictures of them and decided to be silly....

Then decided to be sweet and cuddly

These are melt your heart kind of moments.

These two are my world 

The best thing I have ever done was have these girls so close in age. They are Best friends and they are the Sisters I never had. I really do live through them. I never had a Sister but their relationship is the relationship I could have only dreamed of. I am so blessed by them.
These moments don't always occur but when they do I am so glad I get to capture them.

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