I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


It's 10am! Leilah and I are ready to take Niah to class this morning but is Niah ready for class this morning? This girl can sleep! We are already late! Niah has always been a sleeper and Leilah isn't at all. So funny how they are so different. Mama wouldn't mind if they were both sleepers :)

Monday, March 26, 2012


It's that kinda morning......crazy hair, Spiderman and Christmas Jammies till noon...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy Sunday

Sunday mornings are a little crazy in our home. Ervin is gone early to play worship so it's my job to get these girls ready and off to church. It's super hectic and chaotic. I remind myself that it is important to raise my girls to go to church and worship Jesus. That no matter how crazy the morning is Niah  absolutely loves it and that not going to church is not an option. Leilah reminds Niah and I the entire time that she isn't going to her class. She is usually really paranoid about it. ...........
This Sunday......

Leilah didn't go to class.
Niah enjoyed herself as usual.
Happy Sunday everyone!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Drive In

Friday Night.
We packed up The Mendez and The Perea Girls.
Lots of Snacks.

We took them to the Drive in. I know a lot of people don't do that anymore. The Drive in? What is that? 
It was really chilly tonight but that didn't stop these girls from having a great time. We watched Lorax which is a really cute Dr. Seuss movie. They talked a lot about how they were camping and we super happy and giggly. I would quiz them throughout the movie to make sure they knew what was going on. I guess throughout the laughing, stuffing their face with Popcorn and candy they still managed to watch the movie. The got all my questions right. Leilah stayed in our back seat watching the movie with her Dada. I guess she felt it was less chaotic there. We had a lot of fun. It was a really good Friday night.
Can't wait till the next movie we get to watch their.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Leilah was sleeping in my bed and fell off the bed tonight. I surrounded her with pillows. She is such a crazy sleeper not even the pillows could barricade her. Ugh! Just when I was going to put her in her crib. I feel so horrible. I heard the loud thump and then she cried the saddest cry. She fell right back to sleep after being rocked by her Mama but I still feel horrible. Lesson learned..............She needs to sleep in her crib where it is safe! Ugh!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The Leprechaun didn't forget these girls this year.................. 
Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!

Thank you Nina Tanya for our St. Patrick's Day shirts!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Chip

I gave the girls lunch today and went into my room to make my bed (yes, I don't make up my bed first thing in the morning) I heard them laughing and having a conversation about something that was apparently funny. I snuck up on them and Leilah is talking to Niah about her chips. Leilah still doesn't talk very well but she tries really hard. Niah always knows exactly what she is talking about. It was so cute to watch.....

Deep Conversation about the chips

Leilah started acting out something between the chips.

Then the chips started fighting. I should have told them not to play with their food but watching them was so funny. I couldn't be the mean Mom and interfere in their conversation. 

All of a sudden they got serious and started talking about Niah's chip.

The life of a 2 and 3 year old and the things that amuse them. Today it was a Dorito chip. Wonder what tomorrows topic over lunch will be?

It all started with a turkey-cheese sandwich and Doritos.

So glad these Sisters have each other. They understand each other in a way I don't think anybody could. This may be a post we look back on years from now and laugh at.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Saturday with our Nana

We loaded the car and took off. Off to Oak Glen Apple Orchards. A fun day of play, animals, dirt, and yummy sweets.

We had so much fun!
I grew up coming here with my Mom and brother's and my Mom loves to bring her grand kids here now. This random little trip was very special.

At first I thought Leilah wouldn't get near the animals but I was wrong. She had so much fun and was so excited.

The kids had to run away from the animals because they were chewing on their clothes.

In no time Leilah was comfortable and petting all the animals.

This was her first real experience around farm animals and not being scared. It was so cute to watch her.

The highlight of our day was the goat who wouldn't leave Leilah alone and was determined to eat her clothes :)

Syniah has always been an animal lover, She was definitely in her element.

I really do think she may work with animals when she grows up. I hadn't brought Niah here since she was 8 months old so it was so sweet to watch her as a big girl.

After Leilah's encounter with the goat she was a little traumatized and kept running back to Nana. "Goat eat my shirt Nana."

Niah and Austin had a blast. They were totally independent.

They all love our Nana

Niah and her sidekick, Her Nana

Leilah found a water well and made lots of wishes.

Off with Nana to see more animals.

The kids were able to get out all their wiggles

Niah make her wishes

Looking at the fish

Thank you Nana for loving us the way you do. For showing us your unconditional love daily. We really don't know what we would do without you. You make these girls face light up when you walk in a room and you make them cry whenever it's time to say goodbye. I think they love you more than me sometimes :) it's okay...  I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for all you do and all the fun they have when they are with you. They love their crazy Nana!