I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Leilah is growing so fast and has definitely met more milestones this month. She is still attached to my hip and crys when I walk out oh the room. I really hope she grows out of this soon!

She is climbing everything and she loves to mimic anything we say or do. Her favorite this to say right now is "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiah." She looks around for her and attempts to call out her name. So cute. She has two more teeth coming in on the right top and bottom. Her personality is developing more and more each day. She is becoming her own person and is now standing up for herself against Syniah. It is not so easy for Niah to take away toys from Leilah without Leilah trying to scratch Syniah or pull her down. We started setting more limits for Leilah this month. She learned what "NO" means and she doesn't like it very much. We have set certain boundaries and started teaching her some important distinctions, like right from wrong and safe from unsafe. She has such a strong personality so she may not always listen. She will usually cry and scream or throw herself back. Most of all she will just choose to ignore us. With all that being said she has also started being a lot more affectionate. She gives lots of kisses now and leans her head on our shoulder or up against our face to be sweet. She gets lots of attention lately because she loves to wave at everybody who passes her by. She is very quiet still but little by little she is starting to try and say more phrases.

This month Leilah celebrated her first Thanksgiving. YUM! She ate turkey and sweet potato and she loved it! She definitely knocked out before the end of the night.

Here are her 10 Month Pictures..............
UCLA V.S. USC game is coming up so to commemorate the occasion Leilah decided she will show off her BRUIN PRIDE!

Leilah clapping for the camera!

Not such an easy photo shoot. Leilah was all over the place and very upset when I tried to stop her but we were able to get this cute picture!

Go Bruins!

We snuck in a Mama and Leilah picture. I kept having to chase her so I figured we can smile for the camera!

This Month has been so much fun. Leilah is such a fun baby. So sweet yet feisty. I love her so much!

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