I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today I took the girl to the park. Spent some fun alone time and just really got to reflecr and it leads me to write this blog. Leilah will be 10 months in 15 minutes and it is so hard to take in. I feel like I need to be doing more to keep her a baby because this is all going by way too fast. She is definitely one of the best things to ever happen to me. Leilah and Syniah have these personalities that really win hearts. Leilah is so shy and sweet with an amazing smile especially when it is combined with her little scrunched nose. She can be very feisty at times and gets her feelings hurt easily. Total opposite of Niah and I love that they are so different but in so many ways the same. I remember as we were driving to the hospital for my c-section with Leilah and I was thinking how scared I am.  How will I possibly love somebody as much as I love Syniah? but the minute I saw my light skin, little Chinese baby, she won my heart and my heart automatically stretched with a spot just for her. I don't take in all the tiny moments and special things that Leilah does the way that I did with Niah her first year because there is just not enough time in the day being so consumed with two babies but I cherish all the memories in my heart. I just wish it wasn't going by so fast. In 2 months we will be celebrating her first Christmas and her First Birthday and I can't believe it.
My Sweet Leilah Faith. I thank God for giving you to me and I thank God for choosing me to be your Mama. I am so proud of you and your Big Sister. You two are some Amazing little girls.
                                                      Love, Mama

                                            Leilah Faith (last day as a 9 month old)

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