I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just another lazy Sunday...

Syniah is 3 months and 1 week old today!
I still am not feeling well. My throat is scratchy and I feel under the weather. Syniah was a little cranky today! I walked around the house with her a lot today. She just needed to be soothe. She wanted to be in the arms and talked to. I can't stress enough how big she is getting. She is growing right before my eyes but I can't seam to take it all in. What happen to the tiny baby I brought home? The one that I thought would never fit into the clothes in her closet? Now she is outgrowing the clothes in her closet and I got sad today when I had to put more clothes away in a box.
Today I realized that I really love bath time with Syniah. She gets so excited no matter what kind of mood she was in before the bath. She has this habit of pushing herself down so her feet dangle over her bath chair and so she can splash. I have to pick he up and sit her right only for her to push herself right back down again. I love to talk to her in the bath and then wrap her up and squeeze her in her towel and watch her laugh. Bath time has become our special time. After Niah's bath today she took lots of cat naps. Just when I thought she was sleeping and I could clean or take a nap myself she would wake up. I think her teeth are bothering her. I gave her teething tablets before bed. Hope it helps. Today was a pretty blah day. Maybe tomorrow Syniah and I will be feeling better. I love her so much. She is my little monkey.

Hope I actually get rest tonight. Syniah has been waking up every hour or two these past couple night. Only Gods knows what is in store for me tonight.....................

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