To My Second Born on Your Second Birthday,
I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with you as if it was yesterday. I was so scared and so nervous. I wondered if you would be a boy or a girl. I secretly prayed you would be a girl. I wanted Niah to have a sister so bad but at the same time I worried a lot about how I would love two babies. Syniah had just turned a year old when I found out you were in my tummy. Two babies, 1 Mama. How could I manage? How can you both feel loved? I worried a lot throughout my pregnancy. You moved around all day long in my tummy. That was your way of reminding me that you were there. The day I found out you were a girl it was September 9, 2009. Niah, your Dada and I were all in the room and the doctor told us "your having A GIRL!" I instantly was super excited and I think Dada became instantly worried. How will he manage a household full of girls?
You were born on January 2,2010 at 8:57am. So unbelievably beautiful. Lite skin with dark hair. Like Snow white. You came out screaming and Dada said you would be our singer. You looked just like Niah. It was so surreal for me to be in the exact same room, with the exact same doctor, a year and a half later, delivering a baby who looked exactly like your big sister. The one special moment I never want to forget is the moment you and Niah met. You were both so little but your bond was instantaneous. She was so excited to hold you. I remember watching her hold you and knowing that God had been preparing her to be your Big Sister her entire little life of 19 months. I just couldn't imagine the two of you without each other.
You have grown so much this year. You have grown a head of hair this year. You started walking this year. Talking this year. Screaming this year. You became a Princess this year. You my Leilah Faith have grown into this very independent little human with such a sassy personality. You know what you want and will not take no for an answer. Maybe I see a business women in your future :)
What a diference a year makes
1 year old 2 years old
Your year at a glance....................................
1st Birthday
1st Birthday Party
LadyBug and Bee Garden Party
Mother's Day
Father's Day
4th of July
JANUARY 2, 2012