I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas time!

Syniah went down for a nap before we put the tree up. We figured having a 1 1/2 year old around while putting up a tree may be dangerous. So she woke up, to see a big green tree in our living room. She was pretty amazed. She stood by it saying,"Tree,Tree." I don't think she understood why a tree would be in our apartment. We told her to help decorate it. She was excited to see all the ornaments. She did well participating.
Helping Dada put the star on the tree.
Going through Christmas decorations
Syniah was most interested in the candy canes she found. She bit through all most all of them! We were not sure she would know they were candy if we didn't tell her but she figured it out and really enjoyed herself. Definitely, the highlight of her evening :)

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