I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Family Picture Sneak Peek............

I have photographed many families. Many weddings and newborns. I have taken thousands of pictures of my girls together or with Ervin but you would think he was a single parent because I am not in any pictures. The photographer never is and when I am I am always critical of every little detail. "How is it so hard to get the right angle Ervin?" Poor guy. I give him such a hard time. I figured since Syniah turned 5 this year, graduated from preschool and I turned 30 it is definitely a milestone kinda year so it was time to get our pictures taken. Our last picture was at JC Penny 3 years ago. 
I treasure that picture but my girls would never sit still in a confined space again and I feel so cheesy with the poses they make us do. Lets face it.... I am a photographer I can't take my family to a studio in the mall. I researched for months exactly what I wanted but I just didn't know who I wanted. I was skimming through Facebook one day and came across this photographer based out of Rancho and instantly fell in love with her work. I knew I had to have her photograph my family. She is really good......So good she may just steal my business away but at least I would understand why. She was amazing.

With a lot of stress over...........
Picking the right photographer.
The right outfits
The right accessories.
and the right locations.
It was all worth it!

This is only a sneak peek from the photographer but she exceeded my expectations so far. Definitely captured our personalities. So excited about these.

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