I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

She starts PreSchool tomorrow

When you find out you will be a Mom you have 9 months to prepare. You get all the necessary things that the baby will need. Diapers, blankets, bottles, clothes, little shoes, and a book to let you know what to expect the first 9 months and if you really want to be prepared you get that book that lets you know what to expect the first few years. What those books don't tell you or prepare you for are nights like this. The night before your first born Daughter's FIRST DAY OF "REAL" PRESCHOOL. The night you will be laying out that perfect dress, with the perfect pair of shoes, so you can take a perfect picture and have that perfect memory forever of her perfect first day of school. While trying to hold it all together. When you are pregnant so many people give you advice. Some you listen to and some you just act like you are listening too but in reality you choose your path. You prepare in the way that makes you most comfortable and fits your life style. I do remember people telling me that they grow so fast. They told me to take lots of pictures because in a blink of an eye she will be in high school or getting married. I remember holding Syniah in the hospital and hoping she would stay that little forever. What I didn't think about was how fast she would grow. I was never prepared for this. The books don't tell you that you will be a mess as you are laying out her clothes for her first day of school. They don't tell you that letting your Daughter grow up would be so hard. I wish I was prepared for this. I wasn't.

I am that Mom. The one that is a mess as I lay out my first born's clothes.

I hope her teacher knows just how special she is.............

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