I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bottle up these Memories

One of those moments that you want to bottle up and remember forever.........

I walked into the living room to catch them watching T.V. together. 
So sweet.
It's not always this sweet. There is a lot of fighting, hair pulling, and "I am not playing with you anymore" going on in our home. They have their moments. Niah has her moments but she is an overall amazing Big Sister. She is very protective of Leilah. If Leilah is in trouble, tired, or sad Niah is usually the first to embrace Leilah. It's very sweet to watch. I guess this evening Leilah was sleepy. I am so blessed that they have each other.
Love my girls.
Cherish these moments.

In LOVE with this moment.

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