I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye 2011

I remember sitting in front of my computer last year at this time and praying that God had something better in store for me. It didn't happen magically over night. He didn't just change my circumstances because it was a new year, but he had me wait. He tested my faith and made me rely on his faithfulness because that's really all I could do.

We had a pretty crazy year. It was filled with so many different emotions. Happy, Sad, Anxious, Crazy..........and so on. I started my year battling my relationship with God and questing his intentions for me. I feel sad even thinking that I questioned him but I am only human. Throughout all my questioning and frustration he never left my side and never gave up on me even though I had my moments and days where I gave up on him. It's was really hard at times. I was not the Mom I wanted to be. I really had to  hand it all over to God. My girls are happy, healthy and running around in a home that they love. God never left our side and I am so thankful.

This year our beautiful Leilah faith turned One. She learned to walk. She learned to talk. She learned to scream. She learned how to be such a princess-like little girl. Now in a few days we will be celebrating her 2nd birthday. I just can't believe it has all went by so fast. Our Syniah Grace turned 3. She gave up her beloved Chupie. She played in her very first team sport, SOCCER! She continued gymnastics. Syniah made Mama cry and walked to class on her very first day of Pre-School. These two little girls have grown up this year. They shared a Ladybug and Bee Garden party and it was so special for them to share that special day together. They have hit mile stones that have made me both proud and sad. I can't imagine what this coming year has in store for them. I can't imagine sitting here next year at this time and saying that they are growing much more than they are now. I would love to push the pause button but since it doesn't exist I am thankful for this blog that helps me to log all their special moments. They are growing.............stay tuned :(

This year my photography has bloomed. So absolutely thankful for that. I have captured so many special moments in people's lives. I have photographed some of my best-friends pregnancy's and had the privilege to photograph their babies as well. Not many people get to be a part of those special moments and I have. I still have a lot to learn and am thankful for the clients who have confidence in me and have trusted me with these precious moments in their life. I really can't wait what this coming year has in store for my business.

You can't predict what will happen in life. You just have to take what comes and it's how you handle what life has to offer is what maters most. My year started out crappy, my year ended with me loving everything about my life and thanking God for humbling me. For showing me that no matter what life has to offer me, he always has better. I no longer get weighed down by the things that will never be but embrace the things that are. I am ready to take on 2012. Bring it on!

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