I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011


One of my favorite things to do is watch Niah and Leilah play together. I love the simpleness of it and how that can make anything become something real. Niah has been teaching Leilah how to play pretend. So Niah sets up all the play food to either have a tea party or she is making Leilah "Lunch." it's a hard concept for Leilah to learn but she is trying. Sometimes it ends in cry when Niah comes running in to tell me that Leilah threw all the food on the floor or she is "Really" trying to eat the "Play" food. This particular afternoon I was watching them from the door and they didn't know it. It was so cute to watch them play and watch Leilah's eyes as she looks and adores her Big Sister. I love every minute of it.

Leilah was just served Peas and this time she really did pretend to eat them.

Leilah kept smiling at Niah. I though it was so sweet.

 "Sit down Leilah I am going to the market"

Moments like this make the chaotic days seam all worth it.

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