I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!! 2011

 Syniah Grace and Leilah Faith

Dear Syniah and Leilah,
        . As I write you this letter, you two are sleeping. Leilah you are sleeping in your crib sound a sleep (with a full tummy from your first donut today) and Niah in Bed with Dada because she doesn't want to sleep in her big girl bed tonight. So now I get sometime to write you both. I want to thank you both for making me your Mama. For teaching me and how to enjoy the little things in life. For loving me no matter what. You both have taught me the meaning of unconditional love and patience.

The past year has quickly vanished and instead of a little baby who fits so snugly into my arm, Leilah you are now a very independent walker who likes to explore but always turns back to make sure I am there. You are a growing, and becoming a crazy little girl who calls out "Mama" and laughs at anything that is funny. I have watched you go from being just a mere dream, a thought of things to come, to a child in my arms in a hospital room-meeting for the first time, to a sweet little 16 month old  who has quite a sassy personality. It's been one exciting journey watching you grow so far. As for you Syniah you have become a great Big Sister. You have took Leilah under your wing and have guided her and I still can't believe you were the baby I waited for and held in my arm three years ago. You are so mature and so smart. You love to sing and dance and you have a new found love of Disney Movies. Your so princess-like and I love watching every moment of it.

As Mother's Day approaches tomorrow, I wanted to thank you for loving me the way you do. For all those years that I dreamed of being a mom, and all the years I dreamt of one day having a Daughter, having you girls, loving you girls, and cherishing our moments together makes this Mother's Day that much more special.  I had no idea what God had in store for me. I had no idea that His plan was to bring you two into my life. I carried you for nine months and even that couldn't have prepared me for how much I love you you two, how much I adore you. You girls make the sun shine even brighter and you make the world that much sweeter.  You make me so overjoyed to be a Mama.

Being your mom is the most amazing experience. I'll admit that you don't always make it an easy experience. The crying. The fighting. The lack of sharing. Tantrums. Pneumonia and the teething have certainly tested my ability to get sleep when I'm up all night with one of you crying. It's tested my willingness to get up all hours of the night to console my very upset girls. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've learned a lot about myself as a mom through all of that. I've also learned a lot about your Nana and what she must have gone through as a Single Mom of 3. I'll tell you a secret-I think Leilah you are a lot like me! I never knew how your Nana did it, but I'm learning as we go that there is no secret to how to get through it all, you just do it! I'm a mom and my job is loving you, taking care of you, and making you happy!

So, as Mother's Day approaches, I wanted to thank you for being my babies, for helping this journey as a Mom seem to amazing. I thank you two for choosing me. Sometimes I still think..........."Out of all the Mama's in the world, how amazing is it that you two choose me?" Thank you. It is a beautiful experience and I'm so blessed to be a Mother. I love you very much and I'm so blessed and thankful to be your mother.


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