I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten

 Today my baby girl woke up as a Kindergartner. She was so nervous and we were all filled with so many mixed emotions. New school, new friends,and a new teacher was definitely something that gave us all anxiety. Change is hard. Trying to explain to my girl that she won't worship at this school and they won't talk about God was such a hard thing to explain and an even harder concept for her to grasp. Trying to trust in God and know that we are making the right decision has been emotional. I cried last night. I cried this morning but I am trusting that she will be just fine.

We can't leave without taking first day of school picture!

We got out of the car and she said "I want to go to my real school" broke my heart. This will be her school for the year. Cucamonga Elementary.

Love these two

The embarrassing parents that wipe her face in public.

She was so sad. She had so much anxiety. I put my sunglasses on right away so she didn't see my tears. I wanted so bad to take my baby home. I wasn't prepared for Kindergarten to creep up so fast but it's here and she will do just fine. 

 Looking at the charm (a guardian Angel) Nana got her so she wouldn't feel scared.

Pick you up soon Syniah Grace!

Syniah Grace,
                     Today you became a Kindergartner. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. You are growing up to be an amazing little girl with a bright future ahead of you. This is just the beginning of your firsts. You will have many first days for school ahead of you but I will always be there to send you off. I will be your biggest fan and I will always be there to help you face your fears. My heart hurts today. I want to be able to take your anxiety away and give you all the desires of your heart but God will never give you more than you can handle and this is nothing. You will meet friends and do great in school. You will show them your heart of gold and I pray that you show God's love and it becomes contagious. I love you baby girl. You mean more to me than you will ever know. I am so proud of you today. I am so proud of  the courage you showed as you walked into class. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for you. You will be an amazing friend. Leilah will miss you but she will be right there waiting when you get home. Love you Sunshine.
                                                                               Love Always,
                                                                                  Your Mama


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