I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Syniah Grace

Syniah Grace,

 It's really hard for me to type without getting choked up. 4 years old!! I still can't believe it! 4 years old! There is something about you turning 4 that makes me so sad. Your officially a big girl. It really does seam like just yesterday I was packing my bags for the hospital or feeling as though you wouldn't be here soon enough. I remember trying to make sure everything was so perfect for your arrival. Clothes washed, bottles washed, bassinet ready, car seat perfectly installed. I dreamed of having a little girl my entire life and now that I was getting her things had to be perfect. You arrived Sunday April 13th, 2008 at 10:11am. 7lbs 5ozs and 20 inches long. Absolutely perfect. Everything I could have ever imagined and more. The first time I held you I completely fell in love. I can't begin to explain to you how you have changed my life. I remember being so worried that I wouldn't be the Mom you needed me to be but you have made being a Mama easy. I have realized that nothing can prepare you to become a Mom but having you as my baby made learning to be one very easy. From the moment I found out you were in my tummy you changed me. You made me a better person. You have taught me so much these past 4 years. You showed me how to love with my whole heart.

You have grown before my eyes but you have grown to be one of the smartest little girls I know. You are often very outspoken and sometimes crazy. You role your eyes or cry when you are mad but that only happens on your bad days. You embrace everybody with hugs and kisses. You are such a loving little girl.

This year you gave up your pacifier (Chupie) and started Preschool in Ms. Britney's class and even though it was hard to let you go, you walked into class without any fear and never looked back. You love going to class and have learned so much. Your favorite part of the week is Sunday. You look forward to church all week long and you are learning so much there. You have this amazing interest and love for Jesus. I only pray that you never lose that love but continue following and loving Jesus your whole life long. Right now you are in Soccer for your second season and you wear #3 on your jersey just like Dada did when he played sports and this year you are doing such a great job.  No crying and running off the field like you did last year. You remind me often that you are a big girl now and you love soccer. You try your best and are so proud of yourself.

You make me proud  Syniah Grace. You are a great sister. You love Leilah so much and never like to leave her out of anything. You are always sticking up for her and making sure she is okay. I remember I was so worried about you becoming a Big Sister because you were still a baby only 19 months old but you take your job very seriously and have been amazing at it. Leilah and you fight a bit more now. I think because you two are both verbal and have the same interests but you always let Leilah get what she wants in the end and end up saying,"Okay here Leilah, you can have it." The both of you are Best Friends and I love watching you two grow up together but most of all I love watching the way you guide her and teach her things.You help me to know that I must be doing something right in life to see the little girl you have become. You try your hardest at everything you do from sports, to school, to the relationships you have, you try with your whole heart.

Syniah you have such a sweet heart. So loving and cuddly. You embrace the world. I really did blink and you are 4, but since the day you were born you have captured the hearts of those who know you. You have given me 4 years of smiles and hugs. You have given me everything I could have ever imagined or dreamed of. A Daughter. A Daughter who I love more than anything in the world. A Daughter who has become my Best friend. I love you Syniah Grace and even though today I am sad to know you are growing up, that you will never be that baby I held in the hospital, I am so excited to see who you become. You are my Sunshine and I love you to the Moon and Back.



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