I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday My Sweet Syniah Grace

Sweet Syniah Grace...

I'm having trouble finding words as your 3rd birthday looms over my head. I almost want to press 
the pause button and keep you at 2 for a little while longer. When everybody ask how old you are going to be you tell them 2 and hold up 5 fingers. You are still trying to learn how to hold up those 2 tiny fingers and I can't imagine looking at you holding up 3. I want to keep you small. Even though you aren't my youngest baby anymore you are my first baby. My first sweet little girl.

We've been witnessing your personality flourish. You are a very strong-willed little girl and you 
very much know what you want. I like that about you. To me, that means you will not be easily
influenced. You have a very strong personality and you don't need much help and will try everything possible not to ask for help. A very independent personality and that makes me proud. Mama has taught you right. Times have changed and girls need to be strong and independent and I see that in you and love watching your strong will.

This year, you have traded your Minnie Mouse for princesses and Dora, your bangs with the side  bow clipping it  for pigtails. You rarely wear anything that doesn't have some kind of tutuish skirt over  it and you always want to be in something that you can twirl around or run to your Dada and say "Tada, how do I look Dada?"!!
You even wear tutus on top of your jeans!
Poses a challenge for your mama though, cause now I have to find more skirts for you to wear. 
At least that's for when you actually want to put on clothes at all. 
You love hanging around in your pull ups. 

Your little brain amazes me more everyday. You hold entire conversations with me.
You talk to me about your thoughts and you have likes and dislikes and you are very vocal about them. 
You love anything that smells good. You love anything that's pretty, pink or sparkly. You love your nails painted (thanks to Nana who started u off young), purses, and baby dolls.

You love to get out and explore the world. Traveling suits you well and I will gladly take you with
me on any trip I need to go on. You are so easygoing and love hotels. You love anywhere that
lets you walk around and discover. At Disneyland you will search for any character you can find just so you can pose and say "Cheese".
You look dreamily at the princesses with your shy smile and big, brown innocent eyes. 

Your favorite thing of all this year was  ballet. You looked forward to that Thursday morning ballet class 
all week long. You proudly wore that tutu and leotard, and ballet shoes. You even
let me comb your hair which has been a challenge for us lately. You march into that class and 
without any fear, you take your place and rock out whatever it is that is taught that day. You got to be in class with  Cousin Lexi which  was extra exciting.

You are in Soccer right now but you don't seam to love it the way you love your girly activities.  So going to practice is a struggle and often times even to just put on your uniform can cause a tantrum. I think for now you are just too girly and it's okay. I love that about you.

Leilah is  your favorite person to play with. Leilah sees you in the morning and she runs to give you
 kisses. She often calls your name from her crib in the morning. Its very sweet to see. 

You've always been a night owl just like me. Although I fight you on it, I secretly love that you and I 
have that one on one time where you talk to me and make me play with your hair and massage your legs and back.
I hope you will always be as open with me as you are now at 3. 

Happy 3rd birthday, beautiful girl. Without you, my world wouldn't be nearly as pretty, sparkly or pink.
I love you with every ounce of my being. 

Always & Forever, 

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