Leilah Faith,
It there a pause button? I am trying to find the words to express how today is truly bittersweet for me. I caught myself watching you sleep this morning (yes I am that crazy emotional Mom). I can't believe how fast three years can go by. How one day you are anticipating the arrival of your baby, you bring your baby home and then you blink and you are celebrating their 3rd birthday. It's so bizarre to me. I feel as though 3 is such a big age but no matter how big you get or how many years go by, I will still remember so clearly the day you were born. Up until your birth I was so worried. I was worried about being able to love two babies. Syniah was still so small and I wasn't sure if she would be sad. I was worried about whether I could love you as much as I loved Syniah. I wasn't sure how a heart can find room for another child. I prayed a lot. I prayed I would be the Mom you both needed me to be.
The nurses wheeled me into the operating room and I was overcome with emotion. Praying that you would be born healthy, praying that I would be a good Mom to both of you, Praying that I would recover from the cesarean fast and secretly praying you were for sure going to be a Girl. On January 2, 2010 at 8:57am Dr. Be held you up reassuring me that you were definitely a girl and I remember looking at you and crying. Instantly falling in love. I had no doubt in the world. My heart instantly grew bigger and there implanted a forever place for you. My Daughter. My 7 lb 9 oz beautiful baby girl. Coming from a family full of boys I dreamed of one day having a Daughter and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine God giving me two. You were perfect. You came out screaming and knew exactly what you wanted...Milk!! Since then you have always known exactly what you want.
You are a very independent sassy little girl with a love for anything sparkly, foo foo, princess, and girly. Our day wouldn't be complete without you twirling in the living room in your Cinderella dress and high heels. We are always greeted with your grumpy face and are lucky to get a smile out of you but your unique personality makes you who you are. You love your Mama. I can't complain about that. You definitely are a Mama's girl and I wonder if that will soon fade. I think when that day comes I will be sad but not sure if my hip and arm will be? We have been attached for 3 years and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Leilah Faith you have forever changed my life. I couldn't imagine a day in my life without your princess dresses, high heels, and grumpy faces. This year you became pacifier (Papo), bottle, diaper, crib free and even managed to smile with Santa. You are now ready to be a big girl. I am so proud of all the milestones you accomplished this year. I look forward to what God has in store for you. You make me a better Mama.
Happy 3rd Birthday
Princess Leilah
You year at a glance
Celebrating your 2nd Birthday
2nd Birthday Pictures
Syniah's biggest fan this soccer season!
Disneyland adventures with your "Papo"
Last days in your crib
July 6: Lady got a hold of your Papo. You were so mad at Lady but you knew your Papo was broken. We told you that you were a Big girl now. You had a few moments where you were sad without it but did a great job. It was an easier transition than we thought.
First Haircut
Not happy at all. You cried the entire time.
Not happy at all. You cried the entire time.
Supporting Niah on her first day of school
September 18: Dada bought you a big girl Cinderella cup. It wasn't an easy transition. The cup flew across the room several times. You cried and were really upset.
You and Syniah saying goodbye to your crib
A day in the life of Leilah=Drama
Sunday November 11: The day Leilah officially became potty trained!! Yea!!
Disney Cruise
The Bahamas
Happy 3rd Birthday Leilah Faith
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