I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happily Ever After

This little peanut LOVES to read. She loves to read anything that has a Prince and Princess in it. 
She will sit here for hours indulging in her fairy tales. I hope this is something she keeps with her throughout life. I know life really isn't a fairy tale but to watch my Daughter dream melts my heart. To know that she is so sweet and innocent in thinking that she can wear a big fluffy dress and her Prince will one day come. She has so much self confidence in knowing everybody thinks she is absolutely beautiful when she enters a room wearing something princess like. What Mom wouldn't want their child to take that with them throughout life? I want her always to be able to dream. I want her always to have self confidence. It scares me knowing that one day she will realize the world isn't so nice. One day she will get her heart broken. One day a friend will disappoint her. For now I will let her indulge in her fairy tales, walk around in that big fluffy dress and pray that one day (20 years from now) God does have a Prince for her.

and they lived............. Happily Ever After.

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