I am a tired Mama lacking lots of sleep who usually types at midnight.....Please forgive my spelling and grammar :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Crib nights are coming to a close...........

It's a bittersweet moment in life when you realize your baby is growing up. When you know there is no going back and that they hit a milestone.

Leilah is 2 years and 3 months old. These days she rather sleep with her Mama than sleep in her crib but she usually gets transferred back to her crib sometime in the middle of the night. She has a pretty small body. She will most likely be short, that's for sure. Her body only takes up not even half of her crib but I think it's time. I think it's time to put away the crib for good (I am done having babies!). She wants so bad to be like her sister. I just hope she is super excited about a big girl bed and actually uses it!

Isn't her crib cute? I am in love with her bedding. So sad to have to put it away.

Peek a boo Sweet- Pea

Instant dirty look......

Hi Leilah Faith

Princess Leilah in her favorite jammies and her crazy hair!

If I put her crib away d you think she will let me put her "Pa-Po" away? For good!? I doubt it.

I hope I get to write a blog post soon about how she sleeps in her big girl bed through the night.....stay tuned...... but don't count on it :)

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